Ingredients for Scale

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Customer Net Present Value (not LTV/CAC) is the best metric for determining unit economics of a customer.

7 min read

Why LTV/CAC is a Misleading SaaS Metric and Should be Replaced with Customer NPV

How the quest for simplification drove ignorance (not dissimilar to politics) Lifetime Value / Customer Acquisition Costs (LTV/CAC) has long been a foundational metric to indicate the quality and health of a SaaS company’s business model. It is...

5 Strategically Significant Benefits of Full-Funnel Revenue Analytics

9 min read

5 Strategically Significant Benefits of Full-Funnel Revenue Analytics

Many companies' Go-to-Market (GTM) reporting and analytics are disconnected between the top-of-funnel and the bottom-of-funnel.

The Secrets of A Winning Go-To-Market Strategy

7 min read

The Secrets of A Winning Go-To-Market Strategy

Go-To-Market strategy is a crucial part of any business, as it helps organizations to reach their target customers and generate revenue. It involves...

9 min read

4 Go-to-Market Metrics for Analyzing Sales Cycle Performance

Chief Revenue Officers are constantly looking for ways to maximize their sales performance and revenue growth. Sales cycle metrics are a key factor...

TDR Episode 21

What's the Best Way to Build RevOps: In-house vs. Outsourced vs. Hybrid

In Episode 21, scaleMatters CEO and Co-Founder Scott Stouffer shares a five-part framework for determining how to build your RevOps function.

RevOps Done Right for B2B Companies in Growth Mode

In this episode, scaleMatters CEO and Co-Founder Scott Stouffer shares his insights into what RevOps "Done Right" looks like for companies looking to...

Tangible Ways RevOps Improves Your Probability of Success as a Growing B2B Company

Tangible Ways RevOps Improves Your Probability of Success as a Growing B2B Company

B2B companies face an uphill climb when it comes to scaling. There’s a sizable amount of risk that these companies must address in order to grow and...

The Case for Prioritizing RevOps Directly After Your Series A Financing

3 min read

The Case for Prioritizing RevOps Directly After Your Series A Financing

Congrats! You just raised a sizable Series A round. Now what? Your company is moving from a founder-led approach for acquiring customers to a...

How RevOps Solves Your Growth Challenges at Seed, Series A, and Series B

4 min read

How RevOps Solves Your Growth Challenges at Seed, Series A, and Series B

Obstacles are inevitable as you scale your business. Those obstacles, however, will change depending on the size of your company. A seed-stage...

Data Analyst or RevOps Leader: Who's the First Hire for B2B Startup CEOs?

Data Analyst or RevOps Leader: Who's the First Hire for B2B Startup CEOs?

You’re a growing B2B company with some traction and some initial customers. Should you hire a RevOps leader or a business analyst to help with your...